The API key should be sent as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the request. Get your API key.

API endpoint:


Request example:

curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
Parameter Type Description
search optional string The search query.
by optional string Search by. Possible values are: title for Title, alias for Alias, url for URL. Defaults to: title.
status optional integer Filter by status. Possible values are: 0 for All, 1 for Active, 2 for Expired, 3 for Disabled. Defaults to: 0.
space optional integer Filter by space id.
domain optional integer Filter by domain id.
reference optional string Filter by reference.
sort optional string Sort. Possible values are: desc for Descending, asc for Ascending, max for Best performing, min for Least performing. Defaults to: desc.
per_page optional int Results per page. Possible values are: 10 to 100. Defaults to: 10.

API endpoint:


Request example:

curl --location --request GET '{id}' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'

API endpoint:


Request example:

curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \ --data-urlencode 'url={url}'
Parameter Type Description
url required string The link to be shortened.
alias optional string The link alias.
password optional string The link password.
space optional integer The space id the link to be saved under.
domain optional integer The domain id the link to be saved under.
pixels optional array The pixel IDs to be integrated in the link.
disabled optional integer Whether the link is disabled or not. Possible values are: 0 for Active, 1 for Disabled. Defaults to: 0.
privacy optional integer Whether the link stats are public or not. Possible values are: 0 for Public, 1 for Private, 2 for Password. Defaults to: 0.
privacy_password optional string The password for the statistics page. Only works with privacy set to 2.
expiration_url optional string The link where the user will be redirected once the link has expired.
expiration_date optional string The link expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
expiration_time optional string The link expiration time in HH:MM format.
expiration_clicks optional integer The number of clicks after which the link should expire.
target_type optional integer The type of targeting. Possible values are: 0 for None, 1 for Geographic, 2 for Platform, 4 for Rotation.
country[index][key] optional string The code of the targeted country. The code must be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
country[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
platform[index][key] optional string The name of the targeted platform. Possible values are: iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, Linux, Ubuntu, Chrome OS.
platform[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
language[index][key] optional string The code of the targeted language. The code must be in ISO 639-1 alpha-2 standard.
language[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
rotation[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.

API endpoint:


Request example:

curl --location --request PUT '{id}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \ --data-urlencode 'url={url}'
Parameter Type Description
url optional string The link to be shortened.
alias optional string The link alias.
password optional string The link password.
space optional integer The space id the link to be saved under.
domain optional integer The domain id the link to be saved under.
pixels optional array The pixel IDs to be integrated in the link.
disabled optional integer Whether the link is disabled or not. Possible values are: 0 for Active, 1 for Disabled.
privacy optional integer Whether the link stats are public or not. Possible values are: 0 for Public, 1 for Private, 2 for Password.
privacy_password optional string The password for the statistics page. Only works with privacy set to 2.
expiration_url optional string The link where the user will be redirected once the link has expired.
expiration_date optional string The link expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
expiration_time optional string The link expiration time in HH:MM format.
expiration_clicks optional integer The number of clicks after which the link should expire.
target_type optional integer The type of targeting. Possible values are: 0 for None, 1 for Geographic, 2 for Platform, 4 for Rotation.
country[index][key] optional string The code of the targeted country. The code must be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
country[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
platform[index][key] optional string The name of the targeted platform. Possible values are: iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, Linux, Ubuntu, Chrome OS.
platform[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
language[index][key] optional string The code of the targeted language. The code must be in ISO 639-1 alpha-2 standard.
language[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.
rotation[index][value] optional string The link where the user will be redirected to.

API endpoint:


Request example:

curl --location --request DELETE '{id}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'